It has been interesting to see how God continues to use our ministry. After almost 14 years of serving in Guatemala, we have met many people. Among the women's group that Sharie attends at Casa de Libertad, some of these relationships have developed into close friendships.
Over the past few years, as people we know have expressed a desire to serve, we have involved them more and more in the work we do. From Vacation Bible School, to Summer Camp, to our times of discipleship, activities, and classes with the children we serve, we have tried to make it easy for people to get involved in reaching out to love, give to, and assist others.
Recently, we were blessed with the support of several volunteers from the women's group, who stepped up to assist Sharie with cooking classes at the orphanage Fundaninos. Among them was a woman who, in the middle of the class, shared her story with Sharie.
It was the first time she had cooked in years! Cooking used to be her joy and passion. She loved cooking for her husband and family. Then, several years ago, her husband passed away, and she was widowed. In all the pain and suffering she went through at his loss, she couldn't bring herself to cook again.
She had tears in her eyes as she expressed gratitude for regaining her passion for something that brought joy into her life through service to those in need.
It was a beautiful moment. Our ministry, dedicated to serving and teaching life skills to orphaned and vulnerable children, has brought healing and restoration to this precious widow's heart. It was an unexpected yet powerful gift from God. This experience reaffirms the truth in the saying, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive!'
James 1:27 tells us, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." It's not enough to just turn away from sin and try to live a Godly life; we must live out the faith of our religion in service to the most vulnerable among us, which often is the orphaned child and widowed mother.
Blessings in Christ,
Tim, Sharie, and family