Rayo de Esperanza
To provide a loving, Christian family home for orphans who have been rejected, neglected, abused, and left without a family.
To raise up children in the love of Jesus Christ, teaching them the Word of God and demonstrating a life lived in the truth of His Word.
To educate and train the children so that they have every opportunity to succeed in life and be an example and leaders to others in the community.
Contact Info:
Website: https://rayodeesperanza.org/
Email: mike@rayodeesperanza.org
Best Practices in Orphan Care
Are you interested in serving orphans? Do you want to work in an orphanage? Do feel called to serve the most vulnerable?If the answer to any of those questions is yes, then you should read our Orphan Care Partnership Guidelines before partnering with an organization.
Asking these simple questions now will give you a better understanding on what to look for in a partnership, evaluate your potential partner and save you from entering into a situation that you might regret later.
Fill out the form to receive an email with everything you need to consider for a fruitful partnership.