Manos de Compasion
Located in the Bay of Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala, Manos de Compassion is a children's' home serving the Lord in the care of the orphan and preaching the gospel to the lost. Our number one goal is to raise up abandon, abused, and forgotten children to be men and women of Christ. Follow us as we serve the Lord with the talents and gifts he has given us.
Dave, home director, is from a small town about one hour from Philadelphia Pennsylvania. He came to Guatemala in 2009. He and Deborah were married in July 2009 and took over the ministry in 2010 from Deborah’s parents. Aside from filling the usual father responsibilities, Dave does most of the maintenance around the house and property. With so many children things are bound to break.
Deborah was born about one hour north of Green Bay Wisconsin. Her parents, Tom and Sue Stukenberg, went on the mission field when Deborah was 7 years old. She helped run the home with her parents until they left the field. Aside from the usual mother responsibilities, Deborah does the schooling as well as the cooking and legal work for the home.
Contact Info:
Website: http://guatemalaministry.com
Email: ManosCompasion@gmail.com
Email: dave@guatemalaministry.com
Email: deborah@guatemalaministry.com
Director: Dave and Deborah Reichard
Telephone Guatemala: +502-4407-1480
Address Guatemala: Lote I-26 Bahia de Santiago Aldea Tzanchaj, Santiago Atitlan, Solola, Guatemala
Best Practices in Orphan Care
Are you interested in serving orphans? Do you want to work in an orphanage? Do feel called to serve the most vulnerable?If the answer to any of those questions is yes, then you should read our Orphan Care Partnership Guidelines before partnering with an organization.
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