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Writer's picturetimothy martiny

Serving Each and Every Child

At Cadaniño, our philosophy of service is deeply rooted in the belief that EVERY…CHILD…MATTERS.

In Spanish, "cada" means "every" or "each," and that dual focus is incredibly important to what we do.

Every child in our program matters, and we want to make sure they all have the opportunities and resources to discover, embrace, and cultivate their God-given gifts to their greatest potential as a way to glorify Him in all aspects of their lives.

However, we also understand that each child matters as a person, and we want to make them feel loved, valued and understood as individuals.

John 3:16 is one of the best ways to understand this.

"For God so loved the world (every) "that he gave his only Son, that whoever (each) believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

God loved everyone….but God loved me personally!

God loves every child...and God loves each child!


So, what does it take to accomplish this?

It means our team members personally get to know each child and understand that they possess unique potential. It means supporting them individually by focusing on their distinctiveness and accepting that each child is an exceptional blend of gifts, talents, and needs. It requires that, as teachers, we are dedicated to nurturing these differences, recognizing that each child has something special to contribute—both as an individual and as part of a team while ensuring that every aspect of our after-school programs is designed to provide a safe and supportive environment where they can grow spiritually, educationally, and physically.

It's about helping teachers understand that their impact on a child's life is greatest when they genuinely take the time to know each child and strive to meet their individual needs. However, this impact can only come from a sincere understanding of each child as a person who they are, and what needs they have. That's why we emphasize the importance of our teachers getting to know each child personally, encouraging their God-given gifts, meeting their spiritual, educational, and physical needs, and teaching them how to use their abilities to serve others. This individualized attention ensures that no child is overlooked and that each one receives the support and encouragement they need to thrive.

It's a core part of our identity, and we work to ensure it is clearly imparted to everyone on our team.

While we strive to intentionally teach, guide, and instruct our staff in this, each teacher must ultimately embrace a personal understanding of it to live it out.

I was especially encouraged by the following letter from one of my teachers, demonstrating that she "got it."

By Jhoseline Pérez, Computer Teacher SJP

"This year, I have witnessed remarkable changes in the students and seen how what we do significantly impacts their lives.

One thing I have noticed is that our students need more than just a class or instructions on what to do. They need love, attention, and someone to show they care for them. Realizing this allowed me to think about what each of them personally needed to hear from me. I saw how incredibly motivating it was for them when I encouraged them that "You can do it," told them a job was "Well done," expressed that "I believe in you," and gave them "Congratulations" when they did a good job. It really changed the way they worked.

I noticed that some students had never received such encouragement or motivation before in their lives. Incorporating this into my daily routine helped them learn to trust themselves. Knowing that there are people who rejoice in their successes and understand that we are genuinely interested in them as individuals goes a long way.

Understanding this and seeing how a compliment, a hug, or a show of interest can significantly change someone's life has impacted my life and how I work and engage with the students.

I have seen how students have started to express their gratitude in return, not just for the class or for being a student at Cadanino, but they have said how much they appreciate the attention we give them personally and how we treat them lovingly in the classes.

Hearing this made me value my work so much more and reinforced my commitment to helping each student personally.

It really touched me when, during a recent home visit, a student expressed that they liked the computer class the most because the teachers taught with such love and enjoyed spending time with them. What inspired me the most was when he was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, and he said he wanted to be a computer teacher like me. This moment of hope and inspiration made me realize just how profoundly what we do each day impacts our students' lives.

I can see that Cadaniño is not just a foundation that helps students academically; it is a refuge for many children who come in every day and a place where they feel safe. That is why it's so important that we seek to give them the love, understanding, help, dedication, and attention they personally need to see how God loves them and realize that they have a spiritual father with open arms, attentive to their lives and needs."



It's incredible to watch a team member come to understand and embrace our mission in such a personal way. It's also amazing to see that she understands that the "Why" behind our mission is deeply rooted in the Gospel and our faith.

The Gospel is the Good News: God loved the world, everyone, and also loved me, personally, so much that he sent his son to die on the cross for us so I might be redeemed, restored, and have a personal relationship with my heavenly Father. He did something for me that I could not do for myself, and He has equipped me to love others as He first loved me. It is the embodiment of this belief that drives our commitment to every child in our care, ensuring they are seen, valued, and empowered to reach their greatest potential so that they might lead a life that glorifies God.


Sincerely, Timothy Martiny, President, Cadaniño


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