Articles, news and stories about what God is doing in Guatemala

April 25, 2018

Orphan Care – Beyond Orphanages, Serving for a Lifetime

Orphan Care – Beyond Orphanages, serving for a lifetime. Lessons about orphan care from a missionary in Guatemala. When does our ministry end? When do we check someone we have been serving off our list and consider them “mission accomplished”? All too often in many orphanages and children’s homes, the moment they walk out the door they are forgotten.

August 15, 2015

Where is the Fruit?

Where is the Fruit in your ministry in Guatemala? That is a question I get asked a lot. In today’s world of stats, metrics and instant data, people want to quantify progress and break it down into neat clean identifiable charts. They want to see constant sustainable growth and determine if your work is “worth” supporting.