Articles, news and stories about what God is doing in Guatemala

January 20, 2016

Baptisms, January 2016

Baptisms in Guatemala. Two of our daughters made the decision to get baptized. That they chose to get baptized in the church that we love, that they made the decision to make a public profession of their personal faith, belief and acceptance of their salvation by grace through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, was wonderful.
January 1, 2016

Missionary News in Guatemala, January 2016

Missionary News From Guatemala, January 2016. One of the things I love most about being in Guatemala for Christmas, is celebrating it with the children we love. Our children, friends, current and former students. Together we celebrate the birth of Christ in community with one another.
December 15, 2015

Caring for Orphans is the Gospel

In our work caring for orphaned and vulnerable children in Guatemala, we see the heart of the Gospel. The Gospel is God doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves, so, when we reach out and care for the orphaned or vulnerable, are doing for them what they cannot do for themselves and that is the beauty of the love God has for us.
November 1, 2015

Wasting My Life

"Don’t you feel bad about wasting your skills by being a missionary in Guatemala?” Was a question asked of me at a Bible study group last week after I shared about our ministry teaching, training and discipling orphaned and impoverished children in Guatemala and explained how I came to be a missionary here.
October 1, 2015

The Unquantifiable

The Unquantifiable. During my time as a missionary in Guatemala I have found that there are some things that are connected to our lives which we never see in their fullness. Like the ripples in a pond carrying out from the splash made by a rock tossed into water. The fruit of and long term effects of ministry oftentimes carry on beyond our sight.
September 15, 2015

Guatemala Missionary News, September 2015

Ministry update by Tim and Sharie Martiny, Missionaries in Guatemala. In other special activities this month, we took the girls from Fundaninos out for a day with our family. We visited a national park at Lago de los Pinos where we spent the day swimming, playing soccer and relaxing by the lake. For many of them it was the first time they had ever swam in a lake and they loved it.
September 1, 2015

When God Does the Planning

As a missionary, there are some times when God steps in, moments when you say “Ah Ha! That’s what it was all about!” You do the planning, but when you see things come together, there is no way you can claim the credit for it and you realize that it was God was working behind the scenes all along.This week I had one of those moments.
August 15, 2015

Where is the Fruit?

Where is the Fruit in your ministry in Guatemala? That is a question I get asked a lot. In today’s world of stats, metrics and instant data, people want to quantify progress and break it down into neat clean identifiable charts. They want to see constant sustainable growth and determine if your work is “worth” supporting.
July 1, 2015

The Missionary Calling

The Missionary Calling in Guatemala. I never cease to be amazed at how God works. From the simple seemingly mundane things in life, to the marvelous workings of the universe, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9
June 15, 2015

Missionary News, June 2015

A key part of our missionary work in Guatemala is our Friday night class with the girls from the orphanage Fundaninos lately we have been placing an emphasis on life preparedness. We recently finished a Bible study series on Christian work ethic and had the girls evaluate their lives and discuss the areas where they thought they could improve in that aspect.

June 15, 2015

Missionary News, June 2015

A key part of our missionary work in Guatemala is our Friday night class with the girls from the orphanage Fundaninos lately we have been placing an emphasis on life preparedness. We recently finished a Bible study series on Christian work ethic and had the girls evaluate their lives and discuss the areas where they thought they could improve in that aspect.
July 1, 2015

The Missionary Calling

The Missionary Calling in Guatemala. I never cease to be amazed at how God works. From the simple seemingly mundane things in life, to the marvelous workings of the universe, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9
August 15, 2015

Where is the Fruit?

Where is the Fruit in your ministry in Guatemala? That is a question I get asked a lot. In today’s world of stats, metrics and instant data, people want to quantify progress and break it down into neat clean identifiable charts. They want to see constant sustainable growth and determine if your work is “worth” supporting.